Friday, August 9, 2013

Downy Unstoppables are Magic

So after my last post about the DIY Febreeze, I started to think to myself about how much I love the smell of it. Hence loving the smell of the Downy Unstoppables...

Then I thought I wonder if I could put them in my Scentsy warmer and make my whole house smell like that, not just my couches and beds. So I tried it out and guess what it works!

Totally awesome! A whole container of Downy Unstoppables is cheaper than or the same price as a single Scentsy bar. And you only need a small amount to make your whole house smell like fresh laundry.

I love that I found another use for the container of Unstoppables I purchased! So for those of you that went out and bought some to make febreeze, go ahead and toss some in your warmer! I promise you will love it!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

DIY Febreeze

So I have been wanting to do one of these for awhile now, it's just hard to find the time to put in all the pictures and take the time to put down the steps.

The first project I want to talk about is homemade febreeze! I absolutely love febreeze! It is one of my favorite things! I could and would spray it on anything and everything if I could. The only problem with that is...febreeze is not cheap. And the way I could go through it would make for a not very happy hubby. So I am put in a dilemma...

Love febreeze, hate the price. So I looked on Pinterest and found a recipe for homemade febreeze. I tried it and I wish I could say I fell instantly in love but that is not the case.

It smelled like watered down fabric softener and when I went to sniff my couch (yes that sounds weird) but it had no smell really and the couch was super wet.

Upon telling my mom of my experience she had a genius idea! Sure do love that mom of mine!

She said why don't we try the Downey Unstoppables. So we did and not only does it make everything in my house smell like fresh laundry and deliciously clean...but the smell lasts even longer than normal febreeze and is so cheap to make!

What you'll need...

Empty febreeze bottle (or any spray bottle could probably do)
Downey Unstoppables
Baking soda
*Yep that's all there is to it!

Here's how it's done...

1. Take 2 tbsps. of your choice of Downey Unstoppables (you could even use the Gain fireworks if you like) and put in a small bowl.

2. Add a few tablespoons of boiling hot water to the Unstoppables until you have melted them down.

3. Pour the melted Unstoppables into your empty febreeze container. Add a tablespoon of baking soda.

4. Fill the rest of your febreeze container with warm water. And shake well.

Ta-dah! Instant, easy, and awesome homemade febreeze. I shake my febreeze every time before I use it just to make sure nothing has settled to the bottom!

I promise you once you try this you will never buy febreeze again!